Want to be kept in the loop about opportunities to have your voice heard (surveys, focus groups, forums, panels etc), relevant local information and community activities in your area? 

We have over 400 tenants that have already signed up across Stockport!

Join the Customer Voice Membership Group and mailing list now and we will keep you informed about customer voice activities at Stockport Homes and alert you when there are opportunities to get involved in surveys, polls, focus groups and other local activities.

SHG letters on display

Customer ASPIRE Panel

The ASPIRE Panel is a group of customers who are committed to supporting the transparency, customer influence and accountability of Stockport Homes.
Lancashire Hill Holiday Club (8) (1)

Your Home, Your Community, Your Voice

We regularly share updates here about changes that we have made to how we deliver our services to you. These changes come from listening to you and utilising insights into the information that we capture to shape our decision making.
your opinion matters

Have your voice heard

We offer a wide range of ways for you to let us know your views and to influence and shape the services we provide
word update on a typewriter

Keeping you informed

Read about the different ways we keep customers informed.

For more information or a chat about any of our involvement opportunities please contact our Customer Engagement Team on 0161 474 3331 or email [email protected]