Working hours 

In working hours you can ring the one number team on 0161 217 6016 – Our office hours are 8.30-5.00pm Monday to Friday.

Out of hours 

Out of these hours you ring the same number and will be put through to the out of hours team. This number is available for urgent situations such as a leak in your property or damage to your property that makes it unsafe. The team will contact the relevant service to resolve the problem such as the lift or water company. 

Major emergency  

In an emergency such as a fire please take immediate action and call the emergency service on 999. The relevant ‘blue light’ service will take charge of the situation and involve Stockport Homes at every stage so we can communicate any messages or information to customers. This will be done where possible, via phone call or text message, we will update our website and where suitable we will also update our social media channels.