Emergency repairs

If your repair is an emergency or a health & safety essential repair, please book by calling our One Number Team on 0161 217 6016.

Gas emergencies

If you smell gas, do not switch any electrical appliances on or off. Open windows and makes sure there are no naked flames. Call National Grid immediately on 0800 111 999.

For details of how long it takes us to respond to repairs requests, see our repairs priorities page.

Report a repair online

If you want to book a non-emergency repair, booking online is the quickest and easiest way to do it. You can report these 24/7 (even at the weekends) and on any device.

Report a repair form

Mould And Condensation buildup at window edge

Report mould, damp or condensation

If you have damp, mould or condensation in your home you can report it online.

Calling to report a repair

If your repair can't be booked online, or it is an emergency then you should call us on 0161 217 6016.