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Access information

This section includes details of how to access information about yourself, you will need to complete a Subject Access Request form.
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Plans, Strategies and Policies

In this section you can view our Plans, Strategies and Policies.
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How we spend our money

You can view our Transparency Reports, which show payments to external suppliers where the amount of the invoice is over £500 (excluding VAT).
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Equality and diversity

We will promote equality and diversity in the provision of our services and employment and we will not tolerate discrimination.
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Board Meetings

In this section you will find agendas and minutes from our Board and Committee meetings.
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Modern Slavery Act

Stockport Homes supports the principle of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 in eradicating modern slavery.
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Payment performance data

In this section you can view our annual payment performance data.
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Information Governance

We hold a great deal of information about our customers and the organisation itself.