We hold a great deal of information about our customers and the organisation itself. We manage this in line with our Information Governance Policy. 

Information Governance describes the principles and processes we use to handle and manage the information we hold. For us, this means our legal requirements under the:  

  • Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018 and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018
  • Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000
  • Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) 2004
  • Privacy & Electronic Communications Regulation (PECR) 2003 

The Assurance Team is the main point of contact for Information Governance queries, and is responsible for: 

  • The provision of Data Protection, FOI and EIR training for staff within Stockport Homes
  • Ensuring information is disclosed (or protected) in line with legal requirements
  • The development of best practice guidelines
  • Carrying out compliance checks to ensure adherence with the Acts 
Data Protection

The Data Protection Act 2018 gives individuals the right to access information Stockport Homes holds about them and helps to ensure that their personal data is handled correctly.  

Personal data is information which relates to a living individual who can be identified by or from that information, or by or from other information which Stockport Homes as the data controller holds. It can be in the form of electronic or paper records. 
Anyone who processes personal information must comply with the data protection principles listed below. These ensure that personal data is: 

  • Processed fairly, lawfully, and transparently
  • Processed for limited purposes
  • Adequate, relevant, and not excessive
  • Accurate and up-to-date
  • Not kept for longer than is necessary
  • Treated with integrity and confidentiality  
  • Handled accountably by organisations

To comply with these principles Stockport Homes has published its Privacy Policy which is available via the link. This contains more information, including your data subject rights. 
If you want to see what personal information Stockport Homes holds about you, please fill out a Subject Access Request 

Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act provides individuals or organisations with the right to know what information held by a public authority.  

If you wish to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, it must be made in writing, and should be sent to: 
The Assurance Team 
2 Edward Street 
SK1 3NQ 

or by email to [email protected] 

For Freedom of Information (FOI) requests, we must inform you whether we hold the information stipulated in your request. Upon receipt of your request, it shall be processed by The Assurance Team and responded to within 20 working days in most cases. 


There are some circumstances in which Stockport Homes does not need to provide the information. Examples of this include if someone is requesting their own personal information (this is a Subject Access Request under the Data Protection Act 2018, see above), or if another exemption applies. There may also be occasions when we cannot confirm or deny whether information requested is held by the organisation. We will always explain the reasons for this in writing to you. 
We will release the information requested, providing it does not breach the Data Protection Act 2018, does not cost an excessive amount to provide and the public interest in disclosing it outweighs the public interest in withholding it. 
It will help us to provide the information you have asked for if you can be as specific and as detailed as possible when submitting your request. This may include providing an indication of where the data may be held. 
For more information regarding Data Protection or Freedom of Information, please contact the Assurance Team on 0161 474 0069 or email [email protected] 

Environmental Information Regualations

The Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) provides public access to environmental information held by Stockport Homes. We are committed to contributing towards a greater public awareness of information relating to the environment. This includes information about land development, pollution levels, energy production and waste management. 
We aim to proactively publish important environmental information we hold; however, members of the public are entitled to request such information from us. 
If you would like to make a request for information under the EIR 2004, you can do this by contacting the relevant staff member as we may be able to provide you with a response within the course of normal business duties. If an immediate response is not possible, or you would prefer a more formal response, you can request this information by writing to the Assurance Team at the address or email above. 
Stockport Homes have a period of 20 working days to respond to an EIR request. 


There are exceptions where your request may be refused. These relate to the category of information or potential harm that disclosure could cause. 
Additionally, Stockport Homes must remain compliant with the Data Protection Act 2018 in deciding whether information should be disclosed or not. 
Stockport Homes are able to charge a fee for EIR requests, where it is considered reasonable to do so. Any fee under the Environmental Information Regulations covers disbursement costs such as staff time or the transfer of information to the applicant. 
You can also see a copy of our Information Governance Internal Review Procedure