There is help and advice available if you are at risk of losing your home. Please see the videos and information below for more information.
Videos providing information on some of the main causes of homelessness in the Borough
To contact us to get advice about being homeless.
Practical steps you can take with some of the most common problems people experience
Living with other people can be difficult. Sometimes people may end up being asked to leave home. The important thing is to try and do this in a planned way, as although things might seem bad at home – they could be even worse if you are not prepared for moving on or living alone.
If you have been asked to leave by friends or family, our Mediation Scheme can help. The scheme works by negotiating with parents, friends, or other relatives where someone has been asked to leave. It also looks at other housing options in the longer term. You can contact the service by emailing [email protected] or calling 0161 217 6016.
If you are leaving care your Social Worker can provide advice and support in planning where you will live in the future. This forms part of the 'pathway plan' they will have agreed with you looking at all aspects of your future. There are several options available, such as supported lodgings, sharing with friends, having your own tenancy, supported accommodation and halls of residence if you are going to university.
If you have already left care, you may still be able to access the help of your Personal Advisor. They can help you with application forms for housing, benefits, and education and / or training courses. Your Personal Advisor should stay in contact with you and provide ongoing support and help until you turn 21 or until your 25th birthday if you are still studying full-time. Get advice if you do not have a Personal Advisor from the links below.
The following links provide further information:
Domestic abuse can happen to anyone. It takes many forms from violence and threats to controlling behaviour and emotional cruelty. Domestic abuse can occur in any kind of relationship and in any culture.
Stockport Homes is committed to helping you live a life without fear. There are housing options for helping you stay at home or helping you move home.
If you wish to move home, we can provide you with advice and support. Whether you are in a joint tenancy, have rent arrears, or children there are options for a planned move.
If you leave home in a crisis and cannot return you should present at Housing Options. We will help you access a temporary or refuge placement away from your previous place of residence.
Housing Options
- 0161 474 3780
- Walk-in daily 1.30pm – 4.30pm Cornerstone, 2 Edward Street, Stockport SK1 3NQ
Neighbourhood Housing
- 0161 217 6016 (if you are a current Stockport Homes tenant)
Anti-Social Behaviour
- 0161 218 1381 (if you are a current Stockport Homes tenant)
If you need to cover your tracks online, please visit Hide Your Tracks.
If you feel you are in immediate danger you should always call 999.
For non-emergency help you can use the following helplines. The helplines are open to people experiencing domestic abuse, their friends and family or professionals.
Greater Manchester Domestic Abuse Helpline
0161 636 7525 (open Monday to Friday, 10am – 4pm excluding bank holidays)
We can provide you with emotional support, practical information, and discuss any options that are available based on your specific circumstances. Additionally, we can put you in touch with other agencies or organisations who can specifically help you with the issues that you are facing. We can also help in finding somewhere to stay in an emergency, such as refuge.
National Domestic Violence Helpline (women only)
0808 200 0247 (24hour)
We provide over the phone and immediate online support and information. We provide a wide range of resources and information and can support people into emergency accommodation such as a refuge.
National Centre for Domestic Violence
0800 970 2070
We provide a fast, free emergency injunction service regardless of financial circumstances, race, gender or sexual orientation. This can be issues within 24 hours of contacting us. We work in close partnership with the police, solicitors and other support agencies (Refuge, Women’s Aid etc) to help obtain speedy protection.
GALOP National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse
0800 999 5428
Galop provides confidential and independent advice and support for LGBT+ people who have experienced sexual assault, abuse or violence. We provide a welcoming, inclusive, and safe space to talk, whatever your sexual orientation or gender identity.
If you are going into hospital or have already been admitted and are worried about your accommodation, tell someone. The sooner staff at the hospital know, the sooner they will be able to signpost you to sources of support.
Homelessness Charity H3 (Helping the Homeless into Housing) run a hospital discharge project in partnership with Stockport Homes. This project can visit you in hospital, and plan what help and support you will need to ensure you are not discharged with nowhere to live. You can find out more about the service and get in touch by visiting the H4 Hospital page
Stockport Homes welcome approaches from current or former members of the armed forces and their families. Whether homeless or just seeking housing advice, we can assist with:
- Developing a personal housing plan
- Access to help funding a deposit or rent in advance if in housing need
- Signposting and referral to other appropriate services
- Housing Support
- Money Advice
- Detailed and supportive homelessness advice and assistance
Stockport Armed Forces Covenant also encourages support and provides a range of information for the Armed Forces community working or residing in Stockport. You can find out more information on the Stockport Council website.
We understand that sometimes your circumstances may change. You could have a change in income, or your relationship may break down, which affects how much money you have.
If you are behind with your mortgage, it is important to get seek help and speak to your lender as soon as possible. If you do not pay your mortgage, you are at serious risk of losing your home. For free advice and help, please see the Money Advice pages
Homechoice have a dedicated officer who helps customers in mortgage difficulties explore all options available and they can be contacted on 0161 217 6016.
The following links provide further advice:
The following leaflets provide helpful advice on what to do if you are struggling with your mortgage.
Most prisons now have someone who can provide advice on housing options, and your Probation Officer should also be able to help. This can include trying to make sure you do not lose your home when you go into custody, through to planning for your release. If you are not sure what you are going to do, ask – the sooner professionals supporting you know, the sooner they can help. This may include liaising with Stockport Homes to explore your future housing options.
The following leaflets provide helpful advice on both keeping your home, and potential housing options when you are released.
Prisoners keeping your home factsheet
Prisoners housing on release factsheet
The following links provide further advice:
Notice to leave
Landlords can bring tenancies to an end for several reasons, and in many cases do not even have to explain why. They do however have to follow a legal procedure and are breaking the law if they do not do things properly. The following leaflets explain the process that landlords must go through.
Section 21: Accelerated proceedings
Illegal eviction
If your landlord does not follow the correct legal procedure but still tries to make you leave, for example by changing the locks, this could be classed as an illegal eviction. The following leaflet provides useful advice on how to deal with this.
Sometimes you might not have received a notice but are worried you might not be able to stay where you are due to struggling to meet the rent payments. If you are behind with your rent, it is important to seek help and speak to your landlord as soon as possible. If you do not pay your rent, you are at serious risk of losing your home. For free advice and help, please see the money advice pages of our website.
If you have concerns about how your landlord behaves – for example, if they are visiting your property unannounced and making unreasonable demands – the following leaflet provides useful advice on how to deal with this.
Dealing with harassment factsheet
Stockport Council also provide useful information on their website on dealing with various issues you might encounter with your landlord - see the harassment and illegal eviction by landlords page on its website.
If you see someone sleeping rough, please call us on 0161 217 6016 or email [email protected] with details of when and where you saw them and what they looked like. Working with partners we will arrange to visit them within 24 hours and look at what support can be offered to help them off the street.
You can find out more information about support available to rough sleepers by visiting the Street Support website.
Stockport Homes is delivering ‘A Bed Every Night’ provision alongside boroughs across Greater Manchester.
We also facilitate the Task & Target initiative in partnership with local agencies to tackle rough sleeping in Stockport. This involves quarterly meetings which target specific cases of rough sleeping using a multi-agency approach. Naturally, this involves the sharing of personal data.
Leaving home is a big decision; family might be difficult to live with, but the reality of living on your own could be even harder. You need to consider:
- Paying your bills
- Commuting to work, college or other commitments
- Whether you will be lonely
- The possibility of sharing with others to afford to live independently.
For some young people, leaving home may seem like the only option but help is available to try and stop it reaching this point. This may differ depending on how old you are; for example, social care will become involved if you are aged 16 or 17. You can find out more information about housing options for young people via the leaflets below.
Shelter is a registered charity that campaigns to end homelessness and bad housing in Great Britain.
Tel: 0808 800 4444
The Wellspring provides referrals into housing, educational courses and health services for people who are at risk of becoming homeless.
Tel: 0161 477 6344
Stockport Loaves and Fishes is a homeless project supporting disadvantaged people within Stockport.
Tel: 07938967063
The Prevention Alliance, Stockport provide a service to anyone that wants to make change happen in their lives.
Tel: 0161 474 1042
Citizens Advice Bureau offers free, confidential, independent, and impartial advice and information.
Tel: 08444 111 444
National Debt Line give free and independent debt advice over the phone and online.
Tel: 0808 808 4000
Direct.Gov (Money, Tax and Benefits) provides information, advice, and guidance on government services.
Civil Legal Advice will help you to find free and confidential advice on debt, housing, discrimination and more.
Tel: 0345 345 4345
The Homechoice Team can help provide advice on these matters as well, and if you become homeless may be able to provide temporary accommodation. Please see the Homechoice page for more information.
You can also visit the Shelter website for advice about homelessness.
If you see someone sleeping rough, please call us on 0161 217 6016 or email [email protected] with details of when and where you saw them and what they looked like. Working with partners we will arrange to visit them within 24 hours and look at what support can be offered to help them off the street.