We are committed to providing you with a high-quality service. Your feedback helps us to better understand how we are performing where we can improve across the organisation. If you are unhappy with the service you have received from us, we want to know.  

What is a complaint?

A complaint is: 

“An expression of dissatisfaction about a service provided by Stockport Homes in the last six months, however made, about the standard of service, actions or lack of action by the organisation, its own staff, or those acting on its behalf, affecting an individual resident or group of residents”.

The Housing Ombudsman

If you are not satisfied with the response to your complaint from Stockport Homes, the Housing Ombudsman service can help you. Usually, before the Housing Ombudsman will investigate your complaint, they expect that you have fully used Stockport Homes’ complaints process. However, the Housing Ombudsman may be able to help you if you are having a problem complaining to your landlord or assist you with working with the landlord to find a resolution. Visit the Housing Ombudsman website to find out more about the service they provide or read the Housing Ombudsman Factsheets for residents.

Stockport Homes – Stages of a complaint

Stockport Homes uses a two-stage process for dealing with complaints. There are some circumstances in which Stockport Homes will not accept a complaint and these are outlined in the Stockport Homes Complaints Policy. 

Stage 1

Most complaints will start at Stage 1. At this stage we will:

  • clarify with you exactly what your complaint is
  • ask you what remedy you are seeking
  • confirm the details of the complaint to you 
  • investigate the complaint.  This will usually be done by a service manager in the area where the complaint is made. 
  • provide you with a response in 10 working days. In a few cases, which are complex or require a meeting or inspection we make take an additional 10 days to reply and we will let you know about that. 

When we respond to your complaint, we will include in the reply:

  • the complaint stage 
  • the complaint definition 
  • the decision on the complaint 
  • the reasons for any decisions made 
  • the details of any remedy offered to put things right 
  • details of any outstanding actions 
  • details of how to escalate the matter to stage two if the resident is not satisfied with the answer 
Stage 2

If you are not satisfied with the response at Stage 1 you can escalate your complaint to Stage 2. 

When we deal with a complaint at Stage 2 we will:

  • contact you to clarify the complaint 
  • ask you what remedy you are seeking 
  • discuss with you any reasonable adjustments which need to be made in order to support you through the process.
  • allocate your complaint to a senior manager who has not been involved with determining the decision at Stage 1, who will review the complaint
  • seek to agree a resolution to the case which is acceptable to all parties involved. 
  • write to you to inform you of the outcome of this stage. 

We will respond to your Stage 2 complaint within 20 working days.  When we respond to your complaint, we will include in the reply; 

  • the complaint stage 
  • the complaint definition 
  • the decision on the complaint 
  • the reasons for any decisions made 
  • the details of any remedy offered to put things right
  • details of any outstanding actions
  • details of how to escalate the matter to stage two if the resident is not satisfied with the answer 
Housing Ombudsman

At any stage of our complaints process you can contact the Housing Ombudsman to raise the issues with them. They may expect that you have completed our complaints process before you contact them. They are an independent organisation. You can find more information about their role on the Housing Ombudsman website

The Customer Feedback Team

Stockport Homes has a dedicated Customer Feedback Team who deal with complaints that come into the organisation.  These staff have completed specific training to ensure that they are aware of the best practice in dealing with complaints and in listening skills to fully understand your complaint. 

The Customer Feedback Team will often contact you to ensure we fully understand the issues you are raising and the remedy that you want.  The Customer Feedback Team will either; 

  • Investigate your complaint themselves. 
  • Request that a manager investigates the complaint. 

The Customer Feedback Team will monitor complaints to make sure they are replied to in timescale, have responded to all the issues you have raised and meet the quality standards that we expect. 

You can contact the team by; 

  • Telephoning 0161 474 2600  
  • Visiting us at Cornerstone, our head office building which at 1-3 Edward Street, Stockport, SK1 3NQ 

You can also report a complaint to any member of Stockport Homes staff. 

idea light bulb on post it note

Customer feedback results

Find out more about how we use customer feedback on the customer feedback results page. 

To make a complaint or submit a compliment, please complete the form below. Alternatively, if you need assistance with providing feedback or would just prefer to speak with somebody, the Customer Feedback team can be reached by phone on 0161 474 2600, between 08:00-17:00 Monday to Friday.

Customer feedback form

Please enter your full name. (please note we will accept your request should you wish to remain anonymous)
Please enter your full address (if you are advocating for someone else please provide their address)
Please enter a contact number.
Please enter your email address (if applicable)
Note: A service request is where you are looking for us to provide you with a service or a quick solution to your problem - for example, rescheduling a repair where we have missed an appointment. We will aim to resolve this with you within 5 working days.
Please include full details of your complaint or compliment here.
While this is not guaranteed, this will help to guide us towards a resolution.
Please indicate your preferred method of communication

Additional support

We may be able to offer additional support to access the complaints process. If you feel this would benefit you, please notify us of your requirements as soon as you can. Additionally, if there are any vulnerabilities, disabilities or specific personal circumstances that may be relevant to your complaint, please inform us at the earliest opportunity.

Customer Feedback Policy

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Unacceptable Behaviour Policy

Please read the Unacceptable Behaviour Policy.

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