Depending on how much you are currently paying, you could be better off switching to a water meter. This is often the case if you live alone or have more bedrooms than people in your home. The great news is that United Utilities fit meters for free and if you change your mind or find you are not making a saving, you can switch back to a rateable value within 24 months of the meter being fitted.  

To help you decide whether a water meter is right for you, please visit the United Utilities website or phone the Customer Finance Team on 0161 217 6016 to request a water meter application pack.  

If you have a water meter, you pay for all the water that you use – so the less you use, the less you pay.  

Making simple changes to your daily routine can make a significant difference to your bank balance, and these small savings can start to add up over the year: 

  • Do not let taps run  
  • Fix any leaks  
  • Opt for a shower instead of a bath  

For more information, please contact the Money Advice Team 

What if my property cannot have a water meter

If you apply to have a meter fitted free of charge but one cannot be installed due to the design of the property, you may still be able to make savings by changing your water charge tariff. Assessed charges are available where meters cannot be fitted, comprising of a fixed annual amount varying according to the type of premises or number of occupants. The new charge would be applied from the date of your meter survey. 

Difficulty paying your water charges


If you have a water meter and receive income-related benefits or tax credits and either have a large family or have someone in your home with a medical condition which means you use a lot of water, you may qualify for the WaterSure scheme. If accepted onto the scheme your annual water charges will be capped at a fixed amount for 12 months. 

Help to pay 

If you receive Pension Credit and are struggling to pay your charges, you may be eligible. If accepted onto the scheme your annual water charges will be capped at a fixed amount for 12 months. 

United Utilities Trust Fund 

If you are in real financial hardship and have nowhere else to turn, you may qualify for a grant to pay off your debt – giving you the fresh start you need. Contact our Money Advice Team today who will be happy to assist you with your application to the fund.