We understand that most people experience some money difficulties at some point in life. This could be due to a change in personal circumstances, losing a job or ill health, or even having trouble understanding changes to the welfare system, such as Universal Credit or the Benefit Cap.  

Our Money Advice Team is here to help and can: 

  • help with applications for all of the benefits you are entitled to
  • support you in challenging decisions to stop or change your benefits
  • assist you with benefits appeals through to a tribunal hearing
  • explain any changes to the benefits system and how they are likely to affect you
  • apply for discretionary payments and grants to help with rent arrears
  • help with water charges
  • offer budgeting advice
  • refer you for additional support you may need, such as with digital skills or ongoing tenancy support 

You can contact the Money Advice Team on 0161 217 6016 or complete the form below and one of our advisors will contact you. 

If you would like some money advice, please complete the form below and a member of the team will be in touch.

Money advice form

For example, ESA has stopped, or you're struggling with rent arrears