Why is electrical safety important?

Electricity is fundamental to our day to day lives however poorly maintained or inappropriately used electrical appliances and wiring can cause considerable damage, injury and even death: 

  • Over half of accidental fires originate from an electrical source 
  • Over 1000 fatalities and injuries per year are caused by electrical fires 
  • An electrical shock can stop the heart from beating properly and prevent a person from breathing 
  • An electrical burn can cause permanent disabling damage to body tissue 
What do Stockport Homes do?

Stockport Homes has a legal duty and responsibility to ensure that the electrical wiring within its properties and buildings are maintained and safe for use. 

  • An electrical installation test is carried out in all Stockport Homes properties and buildings at least once every 5 years. An electrical installation consists of your electric meter, your fuse box and all the wires that go to and from the fuse box and feed the electricity to all your sockets and lights within your home. 
  • An electrical installation test is carried out in every property that becomes vacant before the next person moves in. 
  • Stockport Homes have legal powers to force access to properties to carry out an electrical installation condition report to ensure neighbouring properties and residents are not put at risk. 
  • Electrical installation condition reports and repairs are only carried out by appropriately qualified electricians. 
  • Electronic copies of electrical installation condition report certificates are retained as evidence 
  • Stockport Homes provide a 24/7 repairs service to ensure that any urgent electrical repairs or safety issues can be addressed quickly. 
What can you do to keep safe?

DO allow Stockport Homes access to your property for the electrical installation test. 

Ring the Stockport Homes Customer Safety Team TODAY if you think the test at your property may be due or you do not know when it was last done – 0161 218 1944 

DO report any electrical wiring faults (including sockets) to Stockport Homes immediately on 0161 217 6016 

DO NOT carry out electrical alterations to your home without seeking permission from Stockport Homes  

Here are some other hints and tips to keep you safe at home: 

  • Limit electrical appliances in your plug sockets to reduce risk of overheating.  
  • Check that visible cables and leads are in good condition 
  • Check that your light fittings are not visibly damaged 
  • Do not store combustible materials (clothes, papers, cleaning materials etc.) around your fuse box, electricity meter, electrical intake, portable heaters or fires 
  • Do not place items on the top of your microwave as this can block ventilation 
  • Never trail cables under carpets or rugs 
  • Never take mains-powered electrical items into the bathroom 
  • Always switch off your electrical items when they are not in use 
  • Do not try to clean or repair an appliance when it is still plugged in 
  • Never use electrical equipment in wet conditions 

Further advice can be found on the Electrical Safety-First website or by calling the Stockport Homes Customer Safety Team on 0161 218 1944 

Electrical installation condition report

At least once every 5 years we require access to your property to carry out a ‘Fixed Wire’ electrical installation condition report. This is for you and your household's safety. The test will identify issues such as damaged plug sockets, switches, light fittings and wiring which if left could cause an electric shock, fire or worse. 

Arranging access to your home

You will be sent an appointment letter by our electrical contractor, AB Electrical, when we are due to test at your property. To re-arrange a more convenient visit time you can contact them directly.  

It is vital that if you are not going to be available for the appointment that you do contact AB Electrical as failure to provide access could lead to legal action being taken. 

Preparing for the test

In preparation for the test to be carried out swiftly with minimum disruption, please ensure you have covered the following that apply to you:  

  • You have credit on your electric meter. 
  • That there will be someone over the age of 18 in the property. 
  • Clear access to the electric meter and consumer unit (fuse board). 
  • Clear access to sockets, switches and light fittings. 
  • Pets are kept in a secure room or outside. 
  • You have sufficient time to allow the test to be carried (between 1-2 hours) 

The electrician may require access to every room in your home. If you foresee any issues in the test being completed, or have any specific requirements or requests, please contact the Stockport Homes Customer Safety Team on 0161 218 1944

For your security and peace of mind all electricians carry photographic identity cards. 

During the test

On arrival, the electrician will carry out a visual inspection of sockets, switches, light fittings and smoke, heat and CO detectors. 

A test will then be carried out at the consumer unit (also known as the fuse board) to identify if there are faults with any of the electrical circuits in the property. This test allows the electrician to determine if there could be any faults with wiring not visible. 

The electrician will then test a minimum of 20% of the sockets, switches and light fittings in the property. If any faults are found the percentage will be increased. 

Further work will be required if wiring fails the test visually or through further testing. You will be advised of this at the time of the visit. 

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Electrical Fixed Wire Test please contact the Stockport Homes Customer Safety Team on 0161 218 1944 or [email protected]