Being an environmentally sustainable organisation is key to our wider commitments and is in the heart of what we do. We have the ability to create energy efficient homes for our customers in order to help them reduce their consumption and lower their energy bills, as well as ensure sustainable business practice is being undertaken in our daily operations.
Our Stockport Homes Group Environmental Commitments, which will be made available here later this year, supports our approach to sustainability and addresses matters within:
- Carbon and Energy Management
- Waste Management
- Training and Awareness
- Pollution Prevention
- Water Management
- Greenspace and Biodiversity
- Transport
Climate change is widely recognised as one of the biggest threats to the planet. The planets average surface temperature has risen approximately 1°C since the late 1900s of which most of the warming has occurred over the past 35 years with 5 of the warmest years on record taking place since 2010. This change in climate has led to severe weather conditions with catastrophic results such as flooding, extreme wildfires, droughts and food shortages.
In 2015, many countries from around the world signed the United Nation’s Paris Agreement. This is the first partially legally binding document on climate change which commits to limiting the global average temperature increase to below a 2°C and a further target to keep the temperature increase to 1.5°C. Aside from this, Greater Manchester has committed to become a low carbon city with the aim to cut carbon emissions by 48% by 2020 (from 1990 levels) and become carbon neutral by 2038. These ambitious targets display the noteworthy efforts that are being made both globally and regionally to reduce the impacts of climate change.
It is therefore key that we also make a strong effort to reduce our carbon footprint as much as possible in order to contribute to the wider cause. It is also important to help our customers reduce their carbon footprint as it can not only benefit the environment but also reduce their chances of being in fuel poverty.
By having our own dedicated environmental and energy team, we have been at the forefront of innovation in renewable technology and energy efficiency which, as a result, has assisted with cutting energy bills for customers and delivering quality sustainable housing.
Over the course of the years we have:
- Provided our own biomass heating system which reaches 2174 homes including all 22 of our high rise tower blocks. This source of renewable technology produces 90% less CO2 per year compared to the previous existing gas boilers.
- Installed solar PV panels on 1924 properties which saves 12,000 tonnes of CO2 per year and has given our customers access to around £3 million in free green energy since 2011.
- Created our own energy solutions advice service to help customers with their energy bills, reduce their consumption, save them money, free them from debt and get them out of fuel poverty.
- Fitted 25 sites including all of the high rise tower blocks with Voltage Power Optimisation systems in order to reduce energy consumption and lower fuel bills.
- Improved the energy efficiency of our homes by insulating properties with a variety of loft insulation, cavity wall insulation and external wall insulation.
- Diverted 100% of all our waste from landfill and recycled 98% of our waste on average.
- Developed our own carbon literacy accredited environmental awareness course ‘My Planet & Me’ which is being rolled out and delivered both internally and externally to businesses by our staff.
- Secured over £60 million in inward investment and incentives for renewable energy technology that benefits both our customers and the environment.
This is only an overview of what we do here at Stockport Homes in terms of environmental sustainability. Future initiatives to increase the energy efficiency of our homes and make our business practices more sustainable are continually being developed. These will be available to view in the new Stockport Homes Climate Change Strategy which will be released later this year and be made available on this page. It will include more in-depth information on our commitments to reducing our carbon emissions, such as the implementation of heat pumps, as well as information on our environmental management system.
There are a variety of measures that you can take yourself that will not only reduce your carbon footprint but will also save you money. These are measures that you can take in your home as well as decisions you can make when you are out and about!
You can find out more here on the reducing your carbon footprint page.
We can also help with your energy bills! Contact our energy advice team.