Our offices will be closed over the festive period from 1:00pm on Friday 23rd December and will open again on Tuesday 3rd January. Please refer to the contact details below in case of an emergency.
For emergency repairs please call:
0161 217 6016
For more information and reporting a repair, please visit: https://www.stockporthomes.org/my-home/repairs/report-a-repair/repairs-report-form/
Smell gas? Please call:
Call 0800 111 999
Brinnington and Bridgehall Pantries will be open on 29th December from 10am-1pm for all pantry members and then foodbanks.
Food banks are open until Christmas eve at reddish Norris bank and Offerton.
Christmas and New Year opening hours | Stockport Foodbank
Automated rent payment line :
0161 474 4050
Out of Hours emergency help for Adults and Stockport Family Social Care:
0161 718 2118
For more information on paying your rent, water, service charges and other payments please visit: https://www.stockporthomes.org/do-it-online/pay-it/
Risk of life, call: NHS 111 or 999
Homeless emergency: 0161 474 2818
Social Services:
Children and Young People: 0161 217 6028
Adults: 0161 217 6029
Environmental / street scene:
0161 217 6111
For more information or to submit a greenspace form, please visit:
For more information or to report anti-social behaviour, please visit: https://www.stockporthomes.org/neighbourhoods/anti-social-behaviour/report-asb/
For more information on homelessness, please visit: https://www.stockporthomes.org/find-a-home/homelessness/homeless-advice/
There are many organisations working across Stockport to provide additional support over the Christmas break. Take a look at some of their services below:
Warm Spaces are places where people can gather for free in a warm, safe, welcoming place and maybe enjoy a hot drink and some company. There are a few open over Christmas such as Heald green lifer church which is open Sunday 25th December 12:30- 2:30.
If you or someone you know needs support, Age UK is here for you. Call the Age UK Advice Line on 0800 169 6565, 8am to 7pm, every day of the year.
Donate today to help an older person like Terry this Christmas | Age UK
Samaritans is not an emergency or instant response service. If you need urgent assistance during the holiday period, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or police/fire/ambulance on 000 if you are in an emergency situation.
Christmas hours at Samaritans | Samaritans
You can text us any time, day or night, your messages with us are confidential and anonymous. It is free to text Shout 85258 from all major mobile networks in the UK.
Free, 24/7 mental health text support in the UK | Shout 85258 (giveusashout.org)
Cruse website has lots of information on how to deal with bereavement over Christmas it has a helpline number which is :08088081677 and it also has online chat for those who don’t like phone calls, it is open every day over Christmas including Christmas day till 2pm
LGBT Foundation provide a wide range of support services to lesbian, gay, bi and trans people. We also work with healthcare and other professionals to help make public services more accessible and inclusive for LGBT communities.
Safeguarding - Abuse and Neglect