Stockport homes tower block

Report a building safety concern

If you have any Building Safety concerns, please fill out the form following the guidance.
fire alarm button

Fire safety information

Find out more about fire safety, which includes fire safety tips, home safety and fire risk assessments.
Lancashire Hill tower buildings exterior

More about where you live

Find out more about building safety where you live.
roles and responsibilities text on paper

Your responsibilities as a tenant

The building safety reform means that there is an emphasis on ensuring residents of high-rise buildings trust their landlord and feel safe in their home.
Group of people undertaking building safety training

Building Safety Residents' Panel

The Building Safety Resident Panel (BSRP) is made up of residents who live in one of the 22 high rise blocks managed by Stockport Homes.
have your say text on blocks

Have your say

If you live in a high rise block, there’s a variety of ways that you can speak to Stockport Homes about Building Safety.