'Orange Umbrella' are a community-based, volunteer-led project dedicated to raising awareness and signposting support for those experiencing domestic abuse / violence. The project is most notably recognised by the Orange Umbrella pin badge (see top image). If customers see someone wearing this badge, then they will now know that the individual is trained and can provide a safe space for discussion or reporting of abuse. Those wearing the badge can offer help, support and guidance and more importantly a listening ear.
A number of officers at SHG have undertaken the 'Orange Umbrella' training and are now pin badge wearers and it is planned that more frontline officers will follow so that support for vulnerable customers experiencing abuse is as visible as possible. SHG’s Head Office, Cornerstone, is offered as a safe haven for any person wishing to report any form of domestic abuse and officers will work to support individuals in whatever way possible. Orange Umbrella recognises that often just getting respite from a situation is needed before deciding to leave any abusive relationship or home. Working together Orange Umbrella and SHG hope to empower and encourage victims to break the cycle of abusive relationships by promoting awareness around what abuse can look like. Anyone experiencing abuse can visit Cornerstone in confidence, contact us on 0161 217 6016 or tell us via the website at www.stockporthomes.org
You can also find more information on the domestic abuse page of the website.