Stockport Homes Group (SHG) was accredited by the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA) in July 2024.  The accreditation reflects SHG’s willingness to be open to external scrutiny and challenge in all areas of work, with a focus on outcomes for customers.

The accreditation followed a lengthy and in-depth assessment process, including focus groups with staff and partner agencies, case studies and ‘reality checks’ on the application of policies and procedures.

The report referenced the expertise of the newly formed domestic abuse team, saying:

Staff consistently praised the domestic abuse team, expressing how knowledgeable they are and how beneficial their service has been in strengthening the response to domestic abuse.

That was also reflected in feedback from partner agencies, with SHG’s welcoming approach and commitment to continuous improvement seen as a key strength.  This applied to the wider culture of the organisation as well as domestic abuse, with the assessment referencing:

SHG is a ‘values led organisation’ …they are clear about what the values are, and people believe in them because of this.  There was clear pride in SHG’s culture from across all staff that were spoken to.