The role has had a positive and significant impact on supporting complainants through difficult periods of times. Complainants can engage in a process where they feel they are supported, safe, given advice, listened to, and offered coping mechanisms to deal with their current situation. In some cases, they have been encouraged to seek further help or referred over to external parties for additional support were necessary.
The CSS will engage with several different complainants, some who may have complex circumstances and need intense support and some who just want to talk to someone about their situation. Regardless of their situation they will be listened to, offered emotional and practical support.
Most recently the CSS has been engaging with a complainant who was suffering from noise nuisance, the impact of this nuisance was causing the complainant a great deal of distress, feeling isolated, their mental health was declining and to add to this, they were also struggling financially with the cost of living.
By the CSS meeting with the complainant on a one-to-one basis they were immediately able to identify that the complainant needed additional support for their mental health therefore referred them to their GP and to other services available to them; to ensure that they were receiving the correct help and support.
Furthermore, the CSS arranged for a food bank voucher, to ensure that the complainant did not go hungry and arranged an appointment with SHG’s Money Advice Team to establish if the complainant is entitled to additional benefits. The CSS is also trying to engage the complainant into a local community group to meet new people, so they no longer feel alone. By undertaking these actions, the complainant no longer feels isolated, they have a voice, are being listened to and is feeling the benefits of the support they have been given by the CSS.
The CSS is a relatively new role but is already making positive changes to complainants’ lives. If you are experiencing ASB and would like to be referred to the CSS, please speak to your Safer Neighbourhoods Officer who will arrange contact.