This week is the TPAS National Scrutiny Week where housing organisations from across the country will be celebrating their Customer Scrutiny Panels (CSP) and their contribution to improving the services that matter to customers.

We want to join that celebration with our Scrutiny Panel and share the fantastic work they do, on behalf of our customers. The Scrutiny Panel developed their own Annual Report earlier for 2021-22 which can be found by following the below link. Have a read and familiar yourself with what they do! 

We want you to ask yourself - Do you work with customers? Are they passionate about SHG and would they be interested in helping us improve our services? If the answers to these questions are yes, then please consider encouraging them to have a think about joining the Customer Scrutiny Panel.

We currently have eight customers who are part of the Panel who are passionate about supporting Stockport Homes on its journey of growth and development. As much as we appreciate the time and commitment they provide to Stockport Homes Group, we must strive to improve the representativeness of the group by engaging with more customers, from more communities and on a bigger scale

The Panel come from across the borough, with various levels of knowledge and experience who work collaboratively to scrutinise how we deliver services.   They take a detailed look at services that impact customers and where it’s needed will make recommendations about where they think Stockport Homes should consider making changes or improvements. The Panel meet fortnightly on a Wednesday at 10am-12 but whether or not customers can make these meetings due to work or other commitments, they can still engage in the work that the Panel do, at a time that suits them.

If you are currently aware of anyone suitable, or you become aware of anyone in the future, please give them my contact details and I will get in touch and provide some more information.

Get involved and share your feedback